Every company with a vision for the future has an origin story. Ours begins in Southern California, at a time when Hollywood was minting a new kind of glamour every day. Brown Jordan was at it too, inventing modern furniture that suddenly made it glamorous to be outdoors.
Nearly 80 years on, our legacy of design innovation and free-spirited style have become as legendary as the larger-than-life stars who first embraced Brown Jordan—and made us a household name. Today, Brown Jordan continues to set the global standard for leisure furnishings, introducing new pieces so luxuriously crafted that they dazzle in any setting, indoors or out. Produced with the same unrivaled expertise that has spawned a rich collectible market for Brown Jordan originals, they are part of our vision for the future. Modern, from the beginning. Original Brown Jordan
An 80-year reputation built on quality
We’ve built our long reputation for producing luxurious products that look beautiful and last a lifetime by adhering to three simple principles: innovative design, durable materials, and unrivaled manufacturing prowess. To ensure that every piece endures for generations we use top quality components that are rigorously tested to stand up to both human and climate extremes including hand-forged, lightweight aluminum, yacht-size rope, Flex Sling, Suncloth fabric, Dekton tabletops, and fiber weaves. At our long-time manufacturing facility in North America, quality is imbued in every chair, stool, table, chaise, sofa, and sectional we make. Here, skilled artisans use the world’s most advanced materials and manufacturing techniques, along with an abundance of handcrafted details to create each seamless, flawless piece. And because we own the facility, we can control quality at every turn.